在lomboz中使用Sun ApplicationServer
( Intergrate sun ApplicationServer on lomboz)雖剛踏入社會沒幾年,一直專潛於JAVA Web application領域,也有了相關證照,但是若以此便能自滿,不免覺得自己小格局。心血來潮,想開始學習EJB,進而讓自己能夠擴大在J2EE領域的知識。不管是哪本書,談到實作練習階段,總是要安裝上J2EE SDK。上了SUN的網站下載了最新的JAVA EE 5 SDK(5?不會算數嗎?2的下一個數字竟然是5?可能比較好聽吧?算了,爽就好),也安裝上了,但是在開啟lomboz,想將JAVA EE 5 SDK內附的SUN Application Server新增到lomboz的server中,以方便開發時的部署及除錯,但是,咦?有沒有看錯,新增server列表裡竟然沒有Sun Application Server可選擇。
拜拜古狗大神,沒想到神也不是萬能的,找沒有?? 僅看到也有人問相同的問題-- 為何沒有sun application server的server definition?不信邪,上SUN網站找找好了。
working on Java web application for years, and retrieved related certifications.But I'm not satisfied. And that's why I began to learn EJB, to extend the knowledge about the J2EE domain.No Mater which one book, when on practicing , it's the first to instal the Java EE SDK. Go to the SUN's Java website,and download the latest Java EE 5 SDK(It's strange from 2 to 5. But Who cares!!). And Next when I want to add the SUN Application Server which is included in Java EE 5 SDK to the server list in Lomboz, I can't found the Sun AP server item in the add new server window.
Go searching the net using Google, It's nothing about this. Just someone like me have the same Question. Never Give up, keep on finding the answer on SUN's website.
嘿嘿,一個不小心找到了些蛛絲馬跡。在Java EE 5 SDK Feature Summary頁面裡提到:Integrated with Sun's NetBeans open source IDE and supports an Eclipse plug-in...,繼續往下看果然在 Eclipse IDE plug-in有外掛可以下載。太高興了。
馬上給他載回來,安裝後,再次新增sever,列表中果然多了SUN Microsystems。
Hay, there is some clue about it. in the 'Java EE 5 SDK Feature Summary' page: Integrated with Sun's NetBeans open source IDE and supports an Eclipse plug-in...,reading award I found the Eclipse IDE plug-in for download the eclipse plugin.
After installing , and restart lomboz, the SUN Microsystem item appeared in the add new server window.
But,we can't see the SUN application server 9 PE item under it. Just take easy,because the SUN Application Server is based on the stable version of GlassFish project,we can select 'GlassFish V1 Java EE 5' item here.
The next setp, notice the admin password field, the password is used to login the management interface of AP server. And the password is set by whom installed the Java EE SDK.
完成後,按下Finish就可以發現Server中多了GlassFish Java EE 5,按下start server,開啟網址:開啟管理介面,輸入帳號密碼後登入若看到管理畫面就代表安裝成功了,然後就可以很幸福的用lomboz和SUN AP Server開發EJB了。
After All,click finish button,you 'll find there is a GlassFish Java EE5 item in your server list in lomboz. Now,start the server,and browse It will open the Management interface . If you login successfully, it operation normally.
Congratulations, you can starting using the lomboz and SUN AP server to develop your EJB .