匯入WebApplication至Lomboz/Eclipse [Importing WebApplications to your Lomboz/Eclipse]
When I use Lomboz in my work,I wanna importing the web application under Tomcat to continue the following development.It's time to use the importing from filesystem function.
Start up Lomboz, and use the J2EE perspective.
第二步 . 建立新專案
建立一個新的Dynamic Web Project
Step2. create a new project
Create a new Dynamic Web Project
在package explorer中選擇將要匯入程式的位置,這裡我將把程式匯入至webContent資料夾中。在webContent資料夾按下右鍵選擇Import。
Step 3. Execute Importing
On the package Explorer view, select the location where our programs will importing to ,at this exam I'll use WebContent directory. Right click on the webContent dir and select Import... .
select from FileSystem
select the source directory using the browse button or typing the path directly.
If you wanna restrict the type from the source(ex. only JSP files),push the Filter Type button,and select the types you want.
Finall, click the finish button .