Web App Develop on Eclipse
Lomboz是一個開源碼且免費的J2EE開發環境。使用Lomboz開發Servlet和JSP(當然EJB也可,雖然我沒試過) 可說是相當方便的。光是程式碼自動補齊提示(或許官方不是這樣稱呼這項功能,但實用才是重點,誰在乎啥名稱咧)和自動編譯就幫我省下了不少時間。Lomboz is an open source and free J2EE development environment. Using Lomboz writing Servlets and JSPs (and EJB) is much more convenient. Just only the Code Auto Complete(Maybe this is not the official name,but who cares) and the auto compile functions save me a lot of time.
以下是Lomboz的官方網站(ObjectLearn): http://www.objectlearn.com
還有別忘記Eclipse的官方網站: http://www.eclipse.org
It's no use to say to much. Just Experience the Lomboz by yourself.
And you'll drop your notepad to the trash can.
Lomboz official site: http://www.objectlearn.com/
Eclipse official site: http://www.eclipse.org/
Finally, Don't forget sharing what you learned to others.
It's no use to say to much. Just Experience the Lomboz by yourself.
And you'll drop your notepad to the trash can.
Lomboz official site: http://www.objectlearn.com/
Eclipse official site: http://www.eclipse.org/
Finally, Don't forget sharing what you learned to others.