在eclipse 3.2中使用JDK1.6 奇怪的Bug
(A peculiar bug in Eclpse 3.2 using JDK 1.6)
心血來潮裝上了Sun的JDK 1.6來玩玩,在eclipse中建立專案。恰巧之前在良葛格的JAVA學習筆記中獲取了不少JDK1.6中新功能的知識(真是感謝),想來個牛刀小試一番。可是卻發現了一個小小的問題:System.console()方法取回來的是null,而非預期的java.io.Console物件。
Today,I installed SUN JDK1.6 with impulsiveness, and create a project in eclipse.
Fortuitously,I've read knowledges abuot the new function in JDK 1.6 at caterpillar's web site(written in chinese)(and thanks him a lot). But when I ran the method System.console() it returned 'null' ,not the anticipant object of java.io.Console.
真是小小的糟糕了一下,還以為是JDK的問題。趕快開sun的java.exe來試試,咦~~~ OK耶!!
It jus a little bit crappy. Is it a problem of JDK? And use Sun's java.exe in the JDK . Humm..
Magically,It's OK.
So,that's a bug of Eclipse..............