雖然lomboz內建支援的Servlet Container眾多,但還是有遺珠之憾,如果工作上必要的container不在支援之列,便要尋找適合的plugin。
網海遍尋許久,終於在Gunnar’s Weblog 找到了能和lomboz完美整合的外掛。
而如果你的eclipse是3.2版(現在的最新穩定版本lomboz即是eclipse3.2),在Gunnar的網頁上The old version is still available here下載到。
由於我所使用為resin3.10 pro版,有些內附lib的jar檔案和plugin jar內的resin.serverdef不同故做了小小的修正:
Although there are many servlet containers be supported in lomboz, but some were not.
If the container which you will work with ,you'll need to find a plug-in.
Resin is one of them.
By searching over the net, I found a good plugin on Gunnar’s Weblog at last.
This plug-in was wrote by Gunnar himself. Thanks to him.
The introduction and installation guide about this plug-in could be found on the same Gunnar’s Weblog page.
If you are using Eclipse 3.3, you could install plugin inside eclipse through Gunnar's update site.
And if you are using Eclipse3.2(like the lomboz 3.2.2), you should the old version of plug-in. It can found on the same page.
Because I'm using resin 3.10 pro,some jar files in resin's lib directory is not the same with resin.serverdef in plugin's jar file.
So, I made a little modification to it.
If you are using the same version of resin with me, you could download the plug-in here.
If this article give helps to you , Please say thanks to Gunnar through e-mail.