現在的lomboz最新是3.2.2版的,很遺憾不支援Tomcat 6。
不過若還是要用Tomcat 6的話,可以裝Sysdeo的tomcat plugin ,只不過裝好後要把原有的專案轉進新建的TOMCAT PROJECT類型專案,還有再JSP除錯只能到servlet層級,也就是說除錯是要在jsp編出來的servlet來點選中斷點,這是比較大的差別。
The latest version of lomboz is version 3.2.2 , and by default don't support tomcat 6.
But if you wish to use tomcat 6 in your lomboz IDE , you can install Sysdeo tomcat plugin .
But the major difference is you can just debug your JSP in servlet level, that means you should select the break point in the java file which was compiled from its JSP file. And the other major difference should noticed is you should create a new Tomcat Project and import your original web application into it, it's all....